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Five Magic Things Happening This Spring in China

Enjoy the warmer weather and natural beauty this season with these five magic destinations.

Celebrities of China We Didn’t Know Existed

The mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong entertainment industries are crammed with celebrities that are adored by millions of people, yet many non-Chinese will have never heard of them. CHI takes a look at some of China’s biggest celebrities whom we know very little about.

Insurance On A Budget

Purchasing insurance can be daunting. The choices are vast and, for many of us, the costs can seem overwhelming. Follow our budget-friendly tips to help you get the coverage you need at the right price.

Avoid the Winter Blues by Visiting the Best Parks in Beijing

Don't stay indoors and hibernate during the cold winter months. Get out more and spend time with family outdoors with CHI's guide to the best parks in Beijing

Bamboo Your Way To Better Health

Did you know that bamboo comes with an array of health benefits? CHI explores the medicinal use of bamboo

Basketball, China's unofficial national sport

Basketball players from China are becoming increasingly recognized for their skill and passion in the West. CHI looks at the popularity of Yao Ming and NBA.

As Healthy As a Chinese Farmer

Tips from Chinese farmers on how to remain healthy with exercise, activity and diet.

Organic Food in China

There is a lot of hype surrounding organic food and whether it's better as opposed to normal foods. CHI gives the low down on organic food and whether it's really worth paying extra for.

Tips On Using Traditional Chinese Medicine During Pregnancy

CHI examines what exactly is good for you or bad for you when using Traditional Chinese Medicine during pregnancy

Sino Smog Survivial: Tips On Surviving Pollution in Beijing

This week Alex looks at the pollution in Beijing and offers tips on how to get through heavily polluted days in the city.
