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Top International Schools in China for Expat Families

Education, along with health, are the two most important factors in a child's life and are imperative to parents. Not only does education help determine which career path a child may take, but also teaches children valuable life skills, such as looking after their health and social skills. As education is important, it can become competitive with parents wanting their children to attend the best…

Online Dating in China

We take a look at the perks and the pitfalls of one of the fastest growing trends in China: online dating.

Health Foods of Asia: Medicinal Munchies

We look at a few unusual examples of Asian food and how each can specifically lead to a healthier lifestyle.

The Most Popular Alternative Therapies in China

China is the undisputed birthplace and home of alternative medical therapies, and most of the treatments available today fall under the umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Read more to view the most popular alternative therapies in China.

How to Feel Festive in China

With seven official national holidays in China, it’s very easy to feel festive all year round

Common Children's Health Issues in China

Around the world children are more susceptible to illness, with their young immune system. Learn about the the most common of illnesses for the little ones in China.

The Most Popular Sports in China

Surprisingly, basketball is among the top sports in China. In the early 1990's the introduction of the sport was popularized by the nation and caught on fire. Badminton as well, hosts a wealth of famous sportsman.

Great Weekend Trips away from Beijing

If you live in Beijing as a local, student, or expat, there is no doubt that from time to time you need to escape the rush and pressure of the city to decompress. Take a look at our expert suggestions on where to go and how to get there, we're sure you can find a way to relax outside the city.

A Primer on Expat Life in China

Until very recently, relocation to China was considered a “hardship” posting for diplomatic and commercial staff. Pay bumps, extra holidays, generous housing allowances, cars with drivers, children’s school fees, and even quarterly weekend R&R trips to Hong Kong were all expected benefits. These are mostly being curtailed and phased out as companies slash budgets and “localize” management.

Pollution and China: what does this mean for your health?

Expats arriving in China for the first time will often be struck by the poor air quality. Thick smog blankets most major cities for the majority of the year. Controversy over air quality measurements abounds and foreigners idly debate how many “cigarette equivalents” today’s air equals.

A little perspective: air quality is quite poor in many Chinese cities, but this has been a byproduct…
